Saturday, April 10, 2021

Promise of spring

Spring this year seems to have an extra level of spring to it.  

Of course there is the usual joy of having made through another cold dark winter.  I am always thrilled by this time of year, seeing the colors of our forsythia, daffodils, and tulips, greet my mornings, instead of winter's icy grey.  Yet this year even more so - with vaccinations allowing our lives to begin to return to some semblance of normalcy, it feels even larger than the usual spring joy. It holds more import than previous springs. It feels weighty enough to warrant a fifth question at the Seder table, 

"Why is this spring different from all others?"

"We have a vaccine!"

My family will be fully vaccinated by the end of April. I was so relieved when I was able to finally book our youngest's appointment that I actually cried. Soon we will all be able to be together again. We'll hug friends. We'll wear lipstick. We'll leave our cocoons and be part of the world again.

I wish us all the promise that this spring holds.