Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Dark Days

Just perfectly folded a fitted sheet, and felt compelled to yell, "She's a witch! Burn her! Burn her!" at myself.  The cleaning lady can't come back from vacation soon enough..... Two extra (semi) full grown adults back from college add to the clutter and chaos exponentially.  Toss in two weeks of solid grey skies, and I'm barely hanging on to my shreds of sanity.

Looking forward to a new year. And some champagne to send the old one on its merry way!
Cheers, all!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah

I might have actually won the Bad Jew Olympics this year.  Forget presents. The kids are at school.  Making latkes?  Not a chance.  (Fine, I have never actually made latkes.Do you know how much work that is?)  This year I bought my potato latkes at Whole Foods and they were delish! But, not only could I not find the menorah (when I did I found four) until tonight, but when I did the poor candles looked like this after having been stuffed into a kitchen cabinet over the stove since last December.
The ones on the right are the ones I separated before taking the picture, (with a knife because they are that fused).  I'm sure that when I put them in the cabinet I thought "Oh Hanukkah is in early Dec. next year.  No use putting this with the Christmas decorations.  I'll never find them there.  And in several days of frantic search, I did not, in fact find them there.  Instead, they were hiding in the kitchen.

And then, before I could put them into the menorah, I had to google "what night of Hanukkah is it?" So Bad Jew Olympic gold medal for me. (And I highly recommend the Whole Foods chopped liver.)
Happy 5th night of Hanukkah!